Monday 2 October 2017

                                                         100 WC week #4

                                                          The Barn                               

The first call at Dr.Bobs vet was a crocodile that was purple from sickness and had a twisted leg. It was FAR to difficult for Dr.Bob so he called professer to take care of the crocodile. The next call sounded awfuly suspisious. Kind of like a prank call. So Dr.Bob went to the address he was told to go to. When Dr.Bob got there he noticed an old barn with creepy trees sorounding it. Dr.Bob went to look inside. There was just blackness. Dr.Bob walked in and something jumped at him! Just a dog. He walked in more. Then...
To Be Continued

1 comment:

  1. I am confuses if these were prompts from week 3 or week 4 as you have some of the prompts from both but missing some prompts from both. Please make it clear which week this writing is and use all the prompts.
