Tuesday, 24 October 2017

           100 WC week #7

When the door slammed I knew it was happening. Today I overheard robbers saying "at 11:00PM lets break into unit 2234." Thats my house. Currently right now Im sitting in my closet waiting for the cops. Right now it is 11:01PM. They are downstairs sounds like they are taking everything apart. thump. I hear them coming. Is this it? They open my closet " HEY!" They yelled. When they said "Hey" The police came.
"PUT OUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!" The Sheriff yelled.
" Thank you so much officer." I said thankfully.
"Your welcome" Said the officer.

Monday, 23 October 2017

100 WC  challenge week #6

In Stanley Park there was 3 kids camping. What one kid names Jimmy did not know was that the other kids named Bob and Joe brought mannequin legs. When Jimmy went to the washroom Bob and Joe placed the legs in a small pond and put Joes boots and old ripped up pants on the legs and waited for Jimmy to return. When Jimmy returned he saw it, freaked out and started to dial 911 right when the police officer said " What is your emergency?" Bob said it was a prank.
They were in some BIG trouble.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

                             100 WC week #5                                                                         
                                                           MY TREASURED ITEM

   I will never let anyone touch it. It lays in the closet. Safe. Been there sense who knows when? I look at the black rocky object and say " this is a huger piece of history. I mean who knows? This object could have been touched by touched by the great workers who lost there life on that horrible day. Maybe even my great grandpa touched it. Its from the depths of the cold sea hidden in the metal of the biggest ocean liner of the 1900. This is the reason why I keep it in the closet. Away from harmful hands of people.

Monday, 2 October 2017

                                                         100 WC week #4

                                                          The Barn                               

The first call at Dr.Bobs vet was a crocodile that was purple from sickness and had a twisted leg. It was FAR to difficult for Dr.Bob so he called professer to take care of the crocodile. The next call sounded awfuly suspisious. Kind of like a prank call. So Dr.Bob went to the address he was told to go to. When Dr.Bob got there he noticed an old barn with creepy trees sorounding it. Dr.Bob went to look inside. There was just blackness. Dr.Bob walked in and something jumped at him! Just a dog. He walked in more. Then...
To Be Continued